Dryslope Landing Bag

Coming Summer 2025!

$500,000 FUNDING GAP

YOUR GIFT IS STILL NEEDED: Serving as a monument to Wy’East’s culture of high-performance, this “best in the world” jump will not only develop the next generation of Olympic skiers & snowboarders, but its use of side-by-sides on a reclaimed logging road to return athletes to the top will also provide access to miles of mountain bike trails and features on the Wy’East Campus.

The side-by-sides will safely return our student athletes to the top of the jump allowing them to focus energy on progression instead of burning their legs hiking back to the top.  Preservation of athlete energy will also result in significantly safer training sessions.

Please Contribute

Total Project Cost


Committed Funds: 


the need


An extremely generous donor has donated $3,500,000 but now we must fundraise to reclaim the logging road and for the side-by-sides.

Please help with this critical uphill transportation fundraising NOW!

As our thanks for your donation, you can get your name etched on the Founders Wall along with exclusive access to the bag and even overnight packages. Please see the “Donate Cash” section below for details.


corporate SPONSORSHIPs

A variety of sponsorship levels are available. Please consider becoming a sponsor today through your contribution to the Wy’East Dryslope Landing Bag project. Your generous support allows us to continue to provide the very best athletic training for skiers, snowboarders, and mountain bikers.

Your sponsorship will put your brand at the mecca of skiing & snowboarding each summer when national teams and young aspiring athletes come from around the world to train. Your brand will be captured and receive millions of impressions through Wy’East and visiting athlete social media.


Donate Cash

The landing bag is an ambitious and resource intense project and while we are vigorously seeking in-kind supplier and contractor donations, there is no replacement for cash. We are so close to our goal that any amount, even $5 dollars, will help make this project a reality. We send you a heartfelt thanks in advance.


$5,000 - Yours Two Days and One Night! (30 People)

Exclusive use of Wy’East’s Dryslope Landing Bag* and all campus facilities for you and your friends for two full days with an overnight stay.  Stay in our cabins, dine in the cafeteria and enjoy all recreational facilties on our 28-acre campus. Includes meals and t-shirts for all (max 30 friends) and name on Founders Wall.

$3,500 - Yours for the Day (up to 30 people)

Exclusive use of Wy’East’s Dryslope Landing Bag* and all campus facilities for you and up to 30 friends for an entire day. Includes coaching from one of our professional Wy’East Mountain Academy coaches, lunch, t-shirts for all, and name on the Founders Wall.

$1,000 - 3 People / 4 Hour Session / Lunch

Use of Wy’East’s Dryslope Landing Bag* for you and two friends for a four hour session. Includes lunch, t-shirts, and name on the Founders Wall.

$500 - 3 People / 2 Hours

Use of Wy’East’s Dryslope Landing Bag* for three people for a two hour session. Includes lunch, t-shirt and name on the Founders Wall.


*Dryslope Landing Bag is not currently completed and the schedule for its completion is uncertain. We project construction will commence in summer 2023 and take approximately 9 months for completion. Donations, if unused, will be refunded in full (minus credit card processing fees) at the donors request.  Or at donors request, all packages may be use of all current campus facilities in lieu of Landing Bag’s completion.


Dates of use must be approved in advance by Wy’East and not conflict with previously scheduled training camps.


Contribute Services

Many skilled commercial trades will be utilized in the construction of this unique project that will serve as portfolio piece for any company or professional involved. If you own or operate a highly reputable and experienced trade, please consider bidding on work and/or contributing a portion of your work.

Trades Needed:

  • Excavation

  • Plumbing

  • Electrical

  • Concrete Production, Pumping, & Finishing

  • Landscape Architecture and Services


Learn More

If you have questions, ideas, or would just like to talk about this project, please contact:

Kevin English, President