Learning Lab
For Student Athletes
Please Contribute
Total Project Cost
Committed Funds:
the need
The workload for Wy’East student athletes is incredibly intense with 4-6 hrs spent each day in high-performance athletics with another 4-6 hours on college preparatory academics. The vision for the Learning Lab is for it to provide our students with an inspiring and productive space for studying, developing musical talent, pursuing sustainable career opportunities, or furthering their outdoor and environmental education with Wy’East partners such as the National Center for Outdoor and Adventure Education.
Situated in the heart of Wy’East’s 28-acre forested campus, the library’s glass walls and skylights will provide natural light in a space made cozy by its gas fireplace and made calming by a waterfall cascading from its roof to its exterior reflection pond. Nature will serve as the prime inspiration with the structure’s elevated platform design leaving untouched forest floor beneath, live roof, rain garden, solar panels, and holistic healing fire circle anchoring its entry.
This invigorating space will include musical instruments and six modern Find Your Grind computer stations for students to discover career paths and build essential skills. Additionally, the library's centerpiece will be the Scheidel Foundation Library, containing classic books and other analog student materials.
Double Down
For our Learning Lab fundraising campaign, we are excited to announce that we have a generous donor match of up to $30,000!
When you give today, your gift calue doubles!
Donate Cash
While we are actively seeking in-kind supplier and contractor donations for the Student Athlete Learning Center, there is no replacement for cash. We are so close to our goal that any amount, even $5 dollars, will will help make this project a reality. We send you a heartfelt thanks in advance.
corporate SPONSORSHIPs
A variety of sponsorship levels are available. Please consider becoming a sponsor today through your contribution to the Wy’East Student Athlete Learning Center. Your generous support put education at the center of Wy’East Mountain Academy students, figuratively and literally.
Your sponsorship will put your brand at the mecca of skiing & snowboarding each summer with several thousand students & campers and national and regional teams from around the world. Your brand will be captured and receive millions of impressions through Wy’East and visiting athlete social media.
Contribute Services
Many skilled commercial trades will be utilized in the construction of this modern and inspiring project that will serve as portfolio piece for any company or professional involved. If you own or operate a highly reputable and experienced trade, please consider bidding on work and/or contributing a portion of your work.
Trades Needed:
Concrete Production, Pumping, & Finishing
Landscape Architecture and Services
Learn More
If you have questions, ideas, or would just like to talk about this project, please contact: