Summer Program Recap

Wy'East Mountain Academy

Summer News

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Letter from the Headmaster

Summer Greetings Friends and Family Members,

When the summer term began in May, I had a tough time visualizing the end, not wanting to think the summer was ending before it had a chance to start. I was hoping for the best student experience, and I believe it’s been AWESOME!!!

Summer term started out slow. Students were still a bit tired from the winter term, BOB skate park still needed a final pour, and the trampolines were a bit dusty. But the summer term ramped up, BOB skate park is a work of art, weather has been pleasant, and the term finished beautifully. The vibe on campus has been positive and fun, with summer academy students and campers blending well. 

We had a few new students join us this summer who will continue through the coming year. For them, the summer has provided an opportunity to settle in, develop friendships, get to know our staff and systems, and get in shape! For continuing students, they have been able to continue working on their skills, get ahead in their academics, and meet some new friends. 

Students also had a well-rounded choice of summer activities in addition to their mountain experience. Students went to the Oregon coast, my house in the Columbia Gorge and Hood River for the 4th, go-carting, the aquatic center in Beaverton, Trillium Lake, the Portland Saturday Market, Rose Festival, and Pride Parade, to an escape room, and of course plenty of hiking and mountain biking. 

Our new teacher Jaime is staying on for the school year. Yay! Jaime has an authentic interest in our students developing good relationships and providing strong support while keeping parents abreast of student progress. It’s going to be a terrific school year based on this summer experience. 

Thank you for sending your student for our first full summer academy term.

Have a great time with your student athlete over the next month and create some awesome memories, because in just another month and a half, they will be back in our care! 

Cheers, Ann 

The students enjoying a beautiful Pacific Ocean Sun set

The students enjoying a beautiful Pacific Ocean Sun set


Summer school has flown by! I have loved getting to know each of the students strengths, and I am continually learning where I can guide and support them. The Academy students have set a pure and positive example for all of We Are Camp, balancing skiing, campus life, and staying on top of their academics.

Class time runs from 3pm to 6pm Monday through Friday and 9am to noon on Saturdays. Students are taking one or two classes to get ahead or catch up from a previous semester. I encourage them to use break time for a skate or walk around campus, and I love when students share their other hobbies with me (making music or strumming guitar, creating art, playing poker, and posting ski edits).

Spending a weekend in Lincoln City on the Oregon coast was the perfect opportunity for new and old students to connect on another level. We rented wetsuits, booties, surfboards, skimboards and boogie boards for our students to experience all of the plank possibilities at the beach. Together we explored the tide pools and rode the notorious Lincoln City skatepark. I think everyone is hoping to get back to the coast this fall.

Although I came here in May believing this would be a summer job for me, I’m juiced to have made the decision to stay for the school year. Making connections with each of the students and feeling at home here on campus allows me to think this will be an easy transition into the fall after a short and sweet August break.

-Jaime Vincent

Student of the Summer: Dillon Jennings - Throughout the summer, DJ was ahead of pace and communicated effectively.

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I hope this finds everyone making the most of the summer, and enjoying these long days. What a great semester it’s been! 
Having this opportunity has really given our participating athletes a leg up going into the upcoming season. From our daily workout sessions where everyone made individual gains, to our progressive trampoline sessions, we pushed the technical side of new tricks and had a blast while staying safe. Taking the dry land training into our two private parks has proven to be the perfect formula for learning the new and perfecting the old. 
Coming into the 2019/2020 season, we as a team are tighter than ever and constantly pushing each other to the next level. Thank you all for being along for the ride and we greatly look forward to the upcoming season!
-The Freeski Staff

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Life & Leisure

This summer has been absolutely incredible! We have gone on many fun adventures with the kids, such as hiking to a waterfall in the desert, watching fireworks in the Columbia River Gorge, and swimming in glacier water in the Mount Hood National Forest. The highlight of the summer was our weekend trip to the beautiful Oregon coast, where we surfed, boogie boarded and skated our hearts out.

Besides their continued excellence on the slopes and in the classroom, the kids have been great role models to the campers of Windells and High Cascade. The students acting as ambassadors positively impacts our growth and outreach. This summer has been one for the books. We are looking forward to the last couple of weeks and to the upcoming 2019-2020 school year!

-Luke Giacopelli

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September Update


Big Mountain Team Spring Road Trip