Mike Hanley

Head of School


Huntington Beach, California


Language Certificate, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Language Certificate, Instituto Hemingway, Bilbao, Spain

B.A., History & French, University of Utah

MA, Medieval History, University of Wales, Swansea

PhD(ABD), Medieval History, St. David's University, Lampeter, Wales

PhD Candidate, St. Mary's University


Why I am at Wy’East

There is nowhere in the world like Mount Hood, Oregon, with access to some of the most distinctive mountains, coastlines, deserts, and cities all within a couple hours of each other. After spending three years living in New Zealand, my wife, two daughters, and I realized how good we had it in Oregon and the opportunities available at Wy'East Mountain Academy are second to none. We are looking forward to spending the next 50 or 60 years here racking up more Olympic medals.


Alec Young


Brian Johnson