All Wy’East Mountain Academy students abide by this code of conduct
Student code of conduct
1. Students must always remain under the supervision of Wy’East Academy staff while on campus or traveling.
2. Respect yourself and all other athletes, Students, coaches, officials, teachers, life coaches, parents, and their belongings. No unacceptable language or derogatory comments toward others at any time.
3. Be a positive representation of the Academy both on and off campus at all times.
4. Be courteous, well mannered, and accountable.
5. Show up on time and ready to go for all scheduled activities/trips prepared to give your best effort.
6. Respect and care for the campus facilities and property. Should maintenance problems arise with the dormitory facilities (e.g., light bulbs burning out, toilets backing up, etc.), alert the residential staff.
7. Understand and adhere to all living policies (curfew, cleaning schedule, lights out, noise, Guestpectations, etc.)
8. Student residents are responsible for keeping their rooms in a sanitary condition daily and must maintain an organized living environment.
9. Maintain healthy personal hygiene.
10. Abide by the Parent Student Handbook and live a healthy lifestyle by abstaining from the use of intoxicating substances and nicotine.