“The 2022 Good in the Woods Annual Fundraiser for Wy'East Mountain Academy was the best one yet by every possible metric. Thanks to the generous donations of friends, families & brand partnership we were able to bring in nearly three times as much money to help towards building the best landing bag in the world, tuition assistance & campus improvements. The night was highlighted by all of the new trip donations to Taiwan, France, Canada & all across the US. Not to be outdone by the experiences that drove the bidding through the night, the selection of hardgoods really did make it feel like Christmas time with all of the donated skis, snowboards, skate decks, mountain bikes & outerwear. The bar has continued to raise & we look forward to seeing an even better event next year at the 2023 Good in the Woods.”

- Mike Hanley, Head of School

We also launched an exciting new campaign at Good IN The Woods for a new dryslope and landing bag on campus.  Currently, our students and Olympic teams from around the world travel to Banger Park in Austria to train on the best landing bag feature in the world.  Now Wy’East has partnered with Banger’s owner and chief designer to produce the best-in-the-world feature here at Mt. Hood on Wy’East’s campus.  Of the $4 million project we have approximately $3.5M secured.  The need: $500,000 to make this project a reality.  To learn more about the project and to make a tax-deductible contribution, please click below.

Jake Howell